
Let’s discover the ways working together can help us move toward true belonging—in our bodies, our relationships, and our place on this planet.

Each of my offerings is as unique as the people I work with, and depends on their desires and boundaries. If you’re curious about what it might be like to work together, please book a Curiosity Call and we can explore the possibilities together.

Curiosity Call

Moving Toward True Belonging

In this 3 month mentorship program, we will have weekly 90 minute calls that include guided meditations, embodiment practices, communication tools and rituals that will help you move toward true belonging—in your body, in your relationships, and in your place on this planet.

I will also be available for 1:1 support via text and voice notes on Whatsapp and/or Voxer from noon-5 on weekdays.

$2093 or $697/month

Please book a Curiosity Call to get started. Payment plans available.

For those who are ready to develop more Conscious, Organic, Committed, Open relationships. Together we will practice the art of listening and expressing desires. We’ll identify the areas where each individual can move toward relationships that are more intentional, natural, committed and open, and I will share suggestions for rituals and communication tools that will help you feel more freedom and security in your relationship(s).

Available for singles, couples and polycules of all genders, sexual preferences and relationship orientations.

90 minutes via zoom. $144

COCO Coaching

Giving Voice to Pussy

In this 90 minute session designed for people with pussies, I will guide you in meditation and embodiment practices that will bring your loving awareness down into your yoni, and we will make space for your pussy to express the desires She has for your life. Whether you're new to tuning into your womb, or have a whole lot of experience, this session will guide you toward more clarity, pleasure and belonging.

$144 via zoom